
Friday 25 September 2015

DLO On Our Supermarket Visit

This is my DLO on Our supermarket visit. I had to add a table on my slide show so that I could write the labels on the table. Also I had to write the purpose of us going on the supermarket trip.

Friday 18 September 2015

Xtramaths By Mele

This is my xtramaths results. I got 3 wrong and 43 right.

Thursday 17 September 2015

Thinking Groups

This is my thinking group presentation. I had to write what the answer was. Also I had to write what the problem out.

Tuesday 8 September 2015


I got 3 wrong and 10 right. What I need to improve in next time is to level up to my subtractions and timetables.

Friday 4 September 2015

Xtramaths By Mele

This is my xtramaths results. I got 6 wrong and 38 right. What i need to improve in nextime when I play xtramaths is to get all yellow smiley faces so i could move to subtractions and get smarter and brainier.