
Monday 10 April 2017

Ecosystem bush walk

LI: To identify parts of an ecosystem in the school.
I learnt that in our school fields we have fungi. Fungi is just like mushrooms. I learnt this by taking a bush walk outside of our school fields and trying to find non-living things,living things, and my ecosystem. 

Consequences about littering rubbish

LI: To make connection with our environment to persuade our community to make a change. I learnt that people shouldn't be littering around our local area because people can be killing the fishes in the water. You know what would happen if you litter rubbish on the road and how its going to look like. I learnt this by looking at a example of jack's animation which had a lot of detailed of his own drawing

Mix and Match

The Effect
  • Toxic to food
  • Burns plants
  • Causes cancer in fish
  • Removes oxygen and makes it hard for fish to breathe
  • Causes serious damage
  • Damages gills so fish can’t breathe
  • Poisonous to creatures whole come into contact with them
  • Reduces water clarity and interferes with vision
  • Rot and Decay in water using up oxygen
  • Stops light from getting into the water
  • Reduces water clarity and interferes with vision
  • Affects the growth of plants, which can disrupt the food chain
  • Creates a barrier that stops oxygen from getting in water
  • Poison’s animals







  • Damages gills so fish can’t breathe
  • Creates a barrier that stops oxygen from getting in water
  • Poison’s animals
  • Stops light from getting into the water
  • Burns plants
  • Rot and Decay in water using up oxygen
  • Fills the gaps in rock that fish live in
  • Poisonous to creatures whole come into contact with them
  • Affects the growth of plants, which can disrupt the food chain
  • Causes serious damage
  • Reduces water clarity and interferes with vision
  • Toxic to fish
  • Causes cancer in fish
  • Removes oxygen and makes it hard for fish to breathe

LI:To describe and define the water cycle in a local setting.
I learnt that in a fuel pollutant it can burn plants and also causes cancer for fish. I learnt getting a clue from the sentences at the bottom of the page and trying to match it up with the questions.


How do they get into the stormwater?
What do you see in Tamaki? Johnson Reserve, Tamaki River
Rubbish such as drink can and plastic bottles/bags
People knows we have a bin but sometimes they are lazy to put it inside the bin so they just litter it onto the floor and once we have rain coming in it can splash the rubbish into the drains.
I always see foil wrap floating near the ocean. The trees would always sway and make a weir windy noise.
Once people has finished and they still have paint on their brush the paint that has been washed off their brush can go into the sink, into the pipes, come through the manholes and into the river.
I always see paint stains on the fences. Bad people always paint around my local area. They always seem to paint when the rain is about to come. But soon it will kill the fishes.  
Food Waste
Food waste is really bad. It contains too much rubbish on our land. Kids love leaving their rubbish on floors. But they don't know that it can kill our fishes.
Kids on my street always little things they don't like so instead they just food waste.
Animal Faeces
Animal faces can sometimes look similar to others. But once their owner take their leach off they would run off into the beach and try to pee inside.
In my local area I don't get to see that much animals. I mostly see cats eating mouses.
The soil is called collection. The topsoil is where the roots will always grow. Soil is just like sand and once the water brushes the seaweeds out it can brush the sand back in.
Soil is where the grass is. Soil is made to keep the roots grow every time. I always see soil. In the soil I see earthworms.
Lawn Clippings, garden rubbish, rotting plants
There can be a lot of lawn clippings on school fields and on other fields. There can be lawn clippings everywhere which can go into the sea. Garden rubbish always gets in the way of our gardening.
Lawn clippings is always in the way of my gardening. rooting plants are always hard for me to rip off the grass.
Herbicides, pesticides, garden fertiliser
They use a kind of spray to spray the grass so that it can make the little plants grow
Sometime pesticides can go in our food and if we throw it in the drain it can kill the fishes which is really unbelievable for me.
Grease and Oil
greece means everything that you do such as spit, washing your car, and cigarettes.Once you finished doing all of those staff it can cause a lot of damages for our fishes and leads the way out to the oceans.
Oil can come out of our cars just like my parents car. I always spit if I have blood in my mouth.
Chemicals is just like science. It can be used to kill our fishes in many different ways, but you just don't see it in the sea
chemicals can be anywhere but you can't see it. I haven't seen chemicals but I can smell it in the beach. It smells like marshmallow.
Air Pollution
Smoke that comes out of anything or our chimneys can float everywhere and kill our fishes in our sea. It stops the pollution in the rivers.
I always see smoke in my local area like people who smokes in my area. When they smoke I can see the smoke come out but then a second later I can't see it anymore.
Heavy Metals
Heavy metal can always poison the fishes. They can not be destroyed.
Heavy metal can not be destroyed like what I just said. One of the sources is Minning.
Soapy Water
Everything we shower with drink with and wash our dishes with- Detergents falls into the sinks just like anything else.
Of course I have seen soapy water. Soapy water can damage the fishes. We shower with it we wash our dishes with detergent too.
Paper causes a lot of damage. It can kill the animals in the sea if it falls into the ocean.
I always see paper on the side of the roads in my area. Then I see some in the drain but I can't get it because it's too late.
Bits of Rubbish
Plastic bags. Everytime animals in the ocean sees a plastic bag they think it's jellyfish so instead they just muck it up without knowing what they are eating- TURTLES.
Chip packets, and foil wrap is always used to me. When I see it I always see it in the drains.
LI: To make connection with our environment to persuade our community to make a change.I learnt that storm water can go in the drain with our spits,sigarrets, and more. For example if I spat while my mum was driving then once the rain comes in it brushes my spit into the drain and goes through into the pipes and into the manholes. I learnt this by going for a walk around the school fields and getting a lot of explaining from Mr Ogilvie. It helped me by answering each question that Mr Ogilvie was explaining.

Parts of a water cycle diagram

LI: To identify each part to the water cycle.
I learnt that there a 4 parts of a water cycle and goes in order with rotation. I learnt this by watching video and finding out what kind of parts are in the water cycle.

Friday 7 April 2017

[Mele] Ecosystem diagram

Screenshot 2017-04-07 at 2.18.30 PM.png
LI: To investigate the effects of organisms on their ecosystem.
I learnt that abiotic and biotic is different from each other. The meaning of biotic means something that is living such as different species of animals. The meaning of abiotic means something that is non-living just like furniture. Furniture stays still but is still used to o something with.I learnt this by going outside and trying to find producers,consumers,decomposers and more. I had to write categories and try to find producers and decomposers on our bush walk. Herbivores are animals that get energy from eating plants only. Carnivores are meat eaters. Producers make their own food, and Decomposers are animals that eat dead things.